Mission Statement

Green Global GROWTH believes the global community needs socially conscious investing to sustain and promote the welfare of all people and environments on Earth. By making smart choices driven by a sustainable approach, the entire world can profit and grow. This growth can also work in harmony with the environment, reversing the damage that a century of industrialization has caused.

Socially Conscious Investing

Green Global GROWTH promotes sustainable, ethical investment in the developing world along with a strong sense of social consciousness and environmentally directed action in industrial countries.

Our main role is advocacy and information sharing. From that mindset, we have developed a fundamental core philosophy that guides all of our outreach and publishing ventures.

As the investors at Carbon Lighthouse have put it: “Social responsibility can be seen as both an asset in-and-of itself, and as an indicator of how the company is managed overall. The market for green products and services is increasing and in some cases is re-enforced by legal mandates, such as minimum fuel efficiency standards for cars or energy efficiency labeling requirements for appliances. Several studies have also shown that people are willing to pay a premium for goods and services that were produced responsibly.”


Thinking Green Globally

For a long time, many people believed that renewable clean energy was a luxury item that most of the world couldn't afford. The reality of global climate change and increased population and development means now people can't afford not to invest in clean energy and sustainable production.

The good news is renewable sources are more affordable than ever and in 2015 the developing world actually invested more money than developed nations – a total of $156 billion, or a 19% increase from the year before. China, which has relied on dirty coal for its fuel longer than any other country, built more wind, hydro and solar power generation than any other country last year. According to REN21's Global Status Report, China now leads the way with 496 gigawatts of renewable production annually, followed by the United States (202), Germany (97), India (83) and Japan (65).

One factor that has fueled (pardon the pun…) this development is new markets for energy are emerging where there was no prior infrastructure. Officials in China, India and other developing nations are seeing renewable clean energy is better and cheaper than traditional power plants.

It Still Starts With The Individual

It is estimated that 2.7 billion people in the world rely on wood, charcoal or biomass (i.e. animal dung) for home energy requirements. That fact impedes economic development and releases huge amounts of carbon into the environment. It also presents an enormous market for the sale of inexpensive technology like compact solar panels, solar ovens or small micro-hydro power systems. More than 30,000 small solar panels are sold in Kenya annually, easily replacing dirty home diesel generators.


Triple Pundit: Climate Change and Sustainable Investing

Renewable Energy World: 40 Companies & Organizations Bringing Solar Power to the Developing World

Green America: Social Investing

New Horizons: Blue Energy

One of the newest technologies to come along is osmotic power, colloquially known as “blue energy.” Osmotic power involves harnessing the power generated by the spontaneous movement of solvent molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. A recent study documented in the journal Nature was able to generate power by placing a three-atom thick membrane with a small hole between ionized water and non-ionized water. The ions naturally attempt to pass through the membrane, and when they do, an electrical current is generated. The result is energy production using only fresh water and salt water in the form of a power plant made with affordable technology. When the design is complete, a practical application could be constructed in an estuary where a fresh water river reaches the ocean. A one-meter square membrane could generate enough power to light 50,000 LED light bulbs with water as the only by product.

VIDEO Blue Energy Explained

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